
I can analyze galaxies and the differences between galaxies. I will compare the Milky Way Galaxy to other types of galaxies.

I can identify key technological advancements that helped in making our knowledge of space expand. My research will show the past, but I will also predict what future advancements may stretch our limits even more.

I can research the history of constellations. My research will delve into the stories and the myths associated with each constellation. I will create my own constellation either changing the story of a real constellation or creating one on my own.

I can analyze the origins of our solar system. Starting with the sun, my research will emphasize how our solar system formed, the differences between inner planets and outer planets, and analyze the future of our sun and the solar system.

I can effectively explain the different theories of the universe. I will discuss theories starting from Ancient Greece through the theories discussed in present day. I will analyze all theories and make a judgment based on my research on which is most valid.

I can analyze the differences between comets, asteroids, meteors and moons. I will research orbits and discuss differences of what we see from the Earth’s surface (phases). I will analyze the effect the moon’s orbit has on our planet. I will predict what would happen if Earth had a 2nd moon or the distance to the moon was increased or decreased.

Regular Clusters: Regular clusters have a more concentrated core and a spherical structure.

Irregular clusters: They are the opposite of regular. They don’t have a spherical structure, all different sizes, with little mass.

Spiral galaxies: A spiral galaxy is a galaxy that is a spiral with long arm like things coming off the sides. The milky way is a spiral galaxy. Most common galaxy.

Elliptical: An Elliptical galaxy is a galaxy that is the brightest galaxy of all. It is an ellipsoidal shape which looks like a saucer and is smooth.


The milky way and Andromeda galaxy are actually similar. The two galaxies are spiral galaxies which is the most common in the universe. Spiral galaxies are said to take up about 70% of the universe.
The difference is that we only know of living people on earth. We have not explored the other galaxies or even planets due to how far away they are. The Andromeda galaxy is 2.5 million light years away. There is no way humans could explore it with today's technology.
Even if we were to build something and send it up we would not have it for about 5 billion light years because it has to go there, get pictures and come back. And you never know what is in the galaxy. Could there be a black hole? Could there be a planet that was home to humans just like us? This is all information we would love to know but we unfortunately probably never will get there.

High in the sky

One day way high in the sky the constellation cancer and Phoenix were plotting revenge on Orion. Orion was the king of the sky with his trusty steed Allegro. He rode Allegro everywhere telling innocent people what to do. Caner and Phoenix hated it, It was as if they were sand and Orion was a rock. They tried to get all of the constellations together but there were to many who were scared of Orion, he was the hunter. So they decided to built the biggest, mean, fierce, and fearless. And man was this constellation tough to beat the two thought. They finally activated him, but they had to think of a great name. They thought for days but came up with a name that fit him well. The name was fierce, tough, mean, and strong. It was Spongebob, the toughest guy in the sky. Later that day the two constellations decided to approach Orion. Telling him what they think, but little did Orion know they had Spongebob hiding right behind them. After Orion had heard too much he charged at them with Allegro! The two scampered away like babies, and out came Spongebob. Orion had stopped dead in his tracks, screaming what is that! Spongebob went right after him Orion crying as if he was a baby saying go away Spongebob! He kept going and then out of know where Orion turns around and starts to hit spongebob with his rock solid arrows! Spongebob got mad and chased him down, catching him after a few steps. Orion would not stop crying and calling for Allegro but Allegro was against him the whole time. He went over there they all teamed up and defeated the mighty one Orion. They put him high in the sky were everyone could see. They also added a few tears to show that he was just a big baby. In honor of Spongebob Phoenix, Allegro, and Cancer put a crown on him put him even higher in the sky with the North star on his crown.

One day, Orion was swimming out in the sea. Apollo, who very much disliked the man, bet his sister that she couldn't hit the object in the sea with her bow. Artemis didn't realize it was her lover, and shot Orion with an arrow. When she later found out what she had done, she honored the hunter by putting him in the sky.

Andromeda was the princess of Ethiopia. She was the daughter of Cepheus and Cassiopeia, rulers of Ethiopia. The Greek god of the sea, Poseidon, unleashed a sea monster (probably a Cetus) to teach the boastful Cassiopeia a lesson. The only way to stop the monster from destroying Ethiopia was to sacrifice Andromeda’s life. She was chained to the rock by the sea, but later rescued by Perseus. Perseus killed the monster and married Andromeda. Their child, Perses, was the ancestor of the Persian Kings. Andromeda is hailed as one of the most daring mythical heroines.


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